357 Squadron RAF

357 Squadron was formed on February 1, 1944 at Digri, India.

The "A" flight was formed from No. 1576 SD flight with Liberators and Hudsons; the "B" flight was equipped with Catalinas at Redhills Lake.

Its Liberators were used for long range supply and agent dropping flights to Malaya and Sumatra.

The Catalinas formed No. 628 Squadron on March 1944.

The Hudsons were replaced by Dakotas, and Lysanders were added in January 1945.

The squadron was disbanded on November 15, 1945.

Squadron Bases in India were:

Liberators listed as serving with 357 Squadron
Includes the "fates" of the aircraft.

The "Operation Record Book" -- transcipts of the "Official Records" as held at the National Archives, Kew.

Transcript for 1944 (pdf file)
-- this copy is "as typed" -- no checking or editing has been done -- normally I do not put files up at this stage, but as I am working on 1945 now, and I am not certain when I will have the time to edit 1944 -- so I decided to share it at the "Draft No. 0" stage.

Transcript for 1945 (pdf file)
This copy combines all of the documents listed below into one document. It is an "as typed" version, but it will be the one which is updated, rather than the individual files below.

1945 Transcripts: again as typed, and by month. Still lots to do before they are all done.
(These files will not be updated after 2010, all updates will be added to the "1945" file)

January 1945, Form 540
January 1945, Form 541
February 1945, Form 540
February 1945, Form 541
March 1945, Form 540
March 1945, Form 541
March 1945 Appendix II
March 1945, Appendix III
April 1945, Form 540
April 1945, Form 541
May 1945, Form 540
May 1945, Form 541
June 1945, Form 540
June 1945, Form 541
The records for June had four appendices attached, but three actually relate to May.
Appendix file 1 Move June 1945
Appendix file 2 Move May 1945
Appendix file 3 Sortie report May 1945
Appendix file 4 Speech May 1945

July 1945, Form 540
July 1945, Form 541
July 1945, China Bay Form 540 (very rough)
July 1945, China Bay Form 541

August 1945, Form 540
August 1945, China Bay Form 540
August 1945, China Bay Form 541

September 1945, China Bay Form 540

October 1945, Mingaladon Form 540

The "C" (Lysander) Flight records are a separate part of the 357 records,
However, those for the period of Nov. 45 follow the main records.
"C" Flight (Lysanders) November 1945 Form 541

The Story of RCAF air gunner Harry Andrews, the loss of 357 Sqn Liberator KH326,
and the discovery of the wreck in the Malaysian jungle.
Bill Nurse (Harry's cousin) and Matt Poole present the fascinating story of a 1945
Special Duties op that ended tragically and the modern effort to solve the mystery.

The story of F/Lt. Jack Churchill, D.F.C., D.S.O.
(A transcript of a 1945 newspaper article, and notices of his promotions and awards from the London Gazette)

WH Rhydout, a brief account of his service and life, including photos.
WH Rhydout served on 357 Squadron in India. Unfortunately he passed away in early March, 2013.
His daughter has kindly provided the above document, honouring his life.



Updated March 20, 2013