No. 52 OTU RAF

RAF Fighter Command 1939 - 1945
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No. 52 Operational Training Unit RAF
Group Squadron Base County Arrived Comments
81 52OTU Debden Essex 01/02/41 Hurricane. Master. Battle.
81 52OTU Aston Down Gloucestershire 15/08/41 Spitfire II, Spitfire V, Harvard, Master I, Master II. To 9 Group, 06/43.
9 52OTU Aston Down Gloucestershire 01/06/43 Day of month arbitary. Moved 10/08/43.
81 52OTU Chedworth Gloucestershire 01/08/42 Day of month arbitary. Satellite. Spitfire I. Spitfire II. Moved 01/02/43.

Copyright: Ross McNeill May 1999